Faculty of Computer Science



Assalamualaikum, Warahmatullahi, Waabaraakatuh.

Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamen, worship and praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, who has given thousands of pleasures, be it the blessings of faith, the blessings of good health, and the blessings of strength so that on this occasion we can be present to give a few words about the Faculty of Computer Science. Megarezky University is one of the private universities that continues to synergize in developing and improving as an effort to realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation, namely to make the nation's life smarter, especially in the field of education.

Megarezky University's Faculty of Computer Science has two study programs, namely the Bachelor of Informatics and Bachelor of Information Systems study programs. The presence of the Faculty of Computer Science is one of the development steps we are taking to answer future challenges in the field of information technology. Efforts to improve human resources in the field of information systems technology are the focus of our goals at Megarezky University.

Hopefully this information will be useful for all people who receive it, and apologize if there are any wrong words, final words wabillahi Taufik Walhidayah, Wassalamu'Alaikum Warahmatullahi, Waabarakatuh.

Dr. IT. Supriadi Sahibu, S.Kom., MT

Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science

Visit the FIKOM website


"To become a quality Faculty of Computer Science that excels in the fields of Computing Technology and Computer Architecture and has a technopreneurship spirit at the national level by 2034."


  • Organizing education with technopreneurship and professional characteristics in the fields of computing technology and computer architecture.
  • Carrying out creative and innovative research as a solution to solving computing technology and computer architecture problems.
  • Carrying out community service by applying technological knowledge in the fields of computing technology and computer architecture to support national development.
  • Organizing SPMI-based faculty governance.
  • Establishing cooperation in the fields of computing technology and computer architecture locally, nationally and internationally to support improving the quality of human resources and the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education


  • Providing education with technopreneurship and professional characteristics in the fields of computing technology and computer architecture.
  • Carrying out creative and innovative research as a solution in solving computing technology and computer architecture problems.
  • Implementation of community service by applying science and technology in the fields of computing and computer architecture to support national development.
  • Implementation of SPMI-based faculty governance.
  • Cooperation has been established in the fields of computing technology and computer architecture locally, nationally and internationally to support improving the quality of human resources and the quality of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education.


S1 Informatics

Well Accredited

Bachelor of Information Systems

Well Accredited

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